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Balance Your Energy

Do you experience fatigue, low energy, and exhaustion? Do you find
yourself getting sick more often than you used to?

Session Options

Benefits Of Energy Healing

  • Promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing
  • Removes energetic blockages that cause dis-ease, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body back into harmony and balance
  • Relieves stress, promotes relaxation, improves sleep
  • Accelerates the body’s self healing abilities
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Aids healing from injuries and chronic conditions
  • Reduces side effects of drugs
  • Supports the immune system
  • Increases vitality
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional healing
  • Assists the body in detoxing
  • Pain relief

Upcoming Interviews:

Tuesday - July 9th, 2024

Interview with Moncef on Your Divine Uniqueness - Topic: Activating Your Celestial Blueprint

About Sara

Sara’s mission is to empower individuals to reclaim their inherent wholeness and step into their highest potential.

Sara Cornell is a luminary in the realm of holistic healing, revered as the creator of Celestial Sol Reiki, a transformative modality that blends ancient wisdom with modern energy practices. As a Reiki Master, Certified Intuitive Strategist, and Certified Akashic Tranceworker, Sara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her craft.

With a rich background as a Clinical Therapist specializing in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Sara seamlessly bridges the worlds of traditional psychotherapy and alternative healing. Her unique approach integrates psychological insights with energetic techniques, offering clients a holistic path to wellness.

Renowned for her adeptness in identifying and removing energetic blockages, Sara is celebrated for her ability to activate soul truth and potential in those she serves. Her clients describe her as caring, warm, and compassionate, embodying a nurturing presence that fosters deep healing and transformation.

Beyond her clinical and energetic work, Sara is recognized for her gift as a channel of multidimensional energy. Through her intuitive guidance and spiritual insights, she illuminates pathways to profound personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Sara Cornell’s mission is to empower individuals to reclaim their inherent wholeness and step into their highest potential. Through her teachings, sessions, and workshops, she guides seekers on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual expansion, fostering a world where love, joy, and abundance flourish.


Activating your Healing Mastery Skills through Initiation & Reiki Attunements

Open your intuitive gates & Multi-dimensional healing abilities.

Awaken the Truth of your cells for maximum capacity to hold Light.

Discover a Healing modality to use on yourself, friends, family & clients.

Celestial Sol Reiki Magic & Miracles Mini Seminar

Here are your replays for the Celestial Sol Reiki Magic and Miracles Mini Seminar. Make sure you jump on these calls if you are really looking to alleviate the symptoms that have had a lock on you, address the pain body that is locking trauma in and open up to shine the light and truth of your Soul!

So many insights were shared and beautiful readings came through that may shed light on something you are currently dealing with.

Academy for the Soul Radio​

The Celestial Muse

Luminous Inspirations

Request Your Deep Dive Package Today!

Includes four sessions and a guided meditation to listen to daily to keep your energy clean and clear.  Your vibration will sky rocket!  Invest in yourself today!



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Sara did an initial reading for me that was spot on, so I signed up for her program. It was so deep and thorough! I could always feel a wall around my heart, and that is how I knew I was in my heart space. She was able to remove those walls after years and years of having them in just 1 session, so much so that at first, I didn’t know where my heart space was! I didn’t know that an attunement was also an initiation, but now I can do Reiki since she also teaches in addition to just clearing us. She saw my higher dimensionality energies, and since our sessions, Sara helped me work through my blockages and doubts even more. I feel that I am on the path that is right for me. I highly recommend her program.

Priti S

Priti S

Celestial Sol Reiki Course

Profound. On ALL levels.

I had a private session with Sara utilizing her unique Cosmic Soul Truth Integration process. I am still tingling from the effects of my experience in becoming more aligned, in true harmony within my being on multiple levels. Sara is a true multi-dimensional intuitive and has a profound ability to accurately read where I was out of alignment. She subsequently effectively facilitated a process that had me coming to my soul source home in such a way that I could palpably recognize the difference within my being. A lasting difference. Prior to our session I thought I was in great harmony to begin with. Sara was drawn to an area within my core essence that I hadn’t shared with anyone but had been working on for years. These issues she “discovered” which my being called forth to be addressed and aligned were a mixture of current physical issues and energies relating to multiple past experiences, including all the things I had been working on for years as a student and a practitioner. Led by Sara’s skillful guidance, she helped me receive clarity behind how all these seemingly disparate issues were all connected as far as my soul evolution is concerned, and then facilitated her unique process in such a way that I truly am in a greater capacity even more grander than I previously thought was possible. With Sara, you will certainly lighten up to even higher levels.

A delightful bonus of my session with Sara is that while I’m “lit up” I have discovered that my office where I spent a lot of time is also taking on the same vibrational “lit up” sensation as well.

I can only imagine how much better my clients will experience sessions with me, after undergoing this amazing process with Sara.



Energy Work

Sara’s intuitive approach to spiritual guidance is a fresh breeze of energy uplifting everything she comes in contact with.




Sara is amazing! She’s very talented, enlightened, genuine and supportive. I feel a true connection with her and know she cares about my well being. Her sessions are so powerful, I’ve noticed positive shifts in myself afterwards. I feel so lucky and grateful to have found her!

Traci Wade

Traci Wade

Energy Work

I have worked with Sara several times She always holds a safe and loving space and has helped me clear some deep issues with her intuitive guidance. As a healer she brings a potent energy that I can feel in my body and she does the best guided journeys! I have no hesitation in recommending Sara to help you along your path.



Energy Healing

Sara is amazing. Reiki had me feeling a little skeptical at first, but I am so glad I gave it a shot. I can confidently say it has made a positive impact on mine and my fiancé’s life. Sara not only listens, but she successfully knows how to clear any negative energies through reiki… you can just feel it. She truly amazes me, and the difference I feel after a session with her is astounding. I can leave sessions with Sara feeling no tension, no head noise, but instead I just feel peace and calm. She has a true talent- and anyone I have recommended to her absolutely loves her too. Thank you Sara for everything you’ve done for me!




Sara discovered patterns with my parents from several lifetimes ago which were no longer serving me. After she cleared it, I found it easier to make different choices. My mom even asked me about something that happened during my teenage years. I am going back through events and am reclaiming my power of choice.

Priti Shah

Priti Shah

Energy Work

Hello Sara, I just listened to your meditation, so beautifully done, Thank You!!! Felt expansive and lots of Light. So Lovely!!! Have a Blessed Holiday!!! Love, Patty




Sara has a wonderfully soothing voice that quickly takes you deep into a calm and relaxed state of being. You feel fully held and supported. She gently guides you towards connecting fully into your heart where your healing transformation can occur. Through her intuitive abilities she paces you perfectly and takes you on a powerful but gentle journey of connecting back into yourself .

I would definitely recommend her.



Energy Work

What an absolute delight in experiencing the Celestial Sol-Reiki process and will continue daily!

Sara’s soothing voice is honey for the soul!

Lots of clearing and lots to gain, as your garden is planted expect a wonderful harvest!

Thank you Sara for your wisdom, compassion, and sharing your process as well!

Carolyn T

Carolyn T

Celestial Sol Reiki Course


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